A group of parents has written to the King, asking him to support their calls for a new cycle path.

The Fenland parents previously gained attention with a "Letter to Santa" as part of their campaign to establish a safe cycle route between Guyhirn and March.

Now, they have sent a letter to King Charles III, impersonating a group of "Fenland peasantry" asking the King not to bring Dutch ideas to Fenland.

This is a reference to King Charles I, who invited Dutch engineer Cornelius Vermuyden to introduce land reclamation methods to England.

The parents express frustration at the lack of progress since they first reached out to MP Stephen Barclay one year and seven months ago.

They claim they received a vague response from his assistant, promising change in the "nearest future," but no cycle path has materialised.

A new project for a cycle lane between Guyhirn and March is said to be in the works, but the parents are still waiting for public consultation.

They fear that the project could simply mean the installation of a new "beware of bicycles" sign, as they have not been involved or consulted on the design.

The campaigners say they are at a loss for what else to do to get decision-makers to resolve the issue for Fenland residents.

Therefore, they have turned to the King in the hope that he, or the local government, will take action.

The letter is an ironic nod to historical events that took place more than 400 years ago when some residents opposed the drainage of the Fens.

The parents hope to make Fenland bicycle-friendly and are seeking support for their campaign.

They believe that with the help of the Royal Family, they can persuade the authorities to build a rural cycle path between Guyhirn and March.