A man who smashed a police van’s wing mirror has been disqualified from driving.

Danny Carman, 23, was spotted on CCTV riding an orange KTM motorcross bike and following police in Churchill Road, Wisbech, on January 14.

He tried to goad officers into a chase by making offensive hand gestures before taking off at speed towards the roundabout off Freedom Bridge, weaving in and out of traffic and pulling ‘wheelies’.

Carman continued to follow the police van, before overtaking and punching and smashing the offside wing mirror.

Neighbourhood officers arrested him at his house in Donnington Park, Leverington, after they found the bike in the rear garden with a trail of blood leading to the door of the house.

He admitted dangerous driving, criminal damage, driving without insurance and driving without a licence at Peterborough Crown Court on Thursday September 26.

Carman was sentenced to eight months in prison, suspended for a year, and must pay a £187 victim surcharge.

He also received a 12-month driving disqualification and must complete 80 hours’ unpaid work and a 25-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

PC Jay Ede, who investigated, said: “Carman had no regard for others as he drove dangerously, putting not only himself, but other road users, at risk.

“Anti-social vehicle use can have a significant impact on the community, and I would like to urge anyone with concerns about the issue to report them to us.”

Information about anti-social vehicle use and advice on how to report it can be found on our dedicated webpage.