The historic gardens of Peckover House, in Wisbech, are featured in the latest episode of Gardeners’ World.  

Adam Frost, one of the show's presenters, discovered how aspects of the gardens have been recreated with help from the Peckover family archives.  

One of the fascinating spaces featured in the report is a traditional rose garden which was replicated from a photograph of Alexandrina Peckover from the early 1900s. 

Head gardener Louise Gardner said: “It’s a classic Victorian design but actually none of this [space] as here 30 years ago.  

“It had been completely grassed over and everything had been taken away.  

“The only evidence we had that something was here was from photographs and paintings from the Peckovers.” 

Referring to the photograph, Louise said the railings, the pond and all the arches around the pond were all made new.  

However amazingly, they managed to source the original water lily featured in the photograph for the pond.  

Louise said: “There is a local resident who was given a piece of the water lily by the Peckovers and she has had it in her own pond all these years.  

“When they recreated the rose garden she gave a piece back.”  

Adam also discussed with Louise how the garden has been adapted for changing climates and modern gardening practices.  

Earlier this month, the National Trust submitted a planning application for a wheelchair accessible path in the Peckover House gardens.  

The episode of Gardeners’ World featuring Peckover House is now available on BBC iPlayer.