A pet food company behind brands including Felix, Gourmet and Winalot is investing £150million into its factory in Wisbech.

Located on Cromwell Road, Purina produces more than a billion wet pet food meals a year and has begun a multi-million pound upgrade which will continue into 2025. 

As part of the investment, Purina has expanded the factory team, recruiting 40 members of staff.

A spokesperson for Purina said: "The series of developments are designed to modernise the technology and machinery on its production lines, enhance the facilities for colleagues, improve energy efficiency and to help reduce carbon emissions over the coming years.

"It also includes a total refurbishment of employee changing rooms and break out areas and a brand-new car park with newly designed pedestrian walkways as well as clearly marked vehicle segregation areas."

Purina is using local businesses and contractors to manage the site upgrades from start to finish.

Jez McInerney, Purina’s Wisbech factory manager, who is overseeing the upgrades, said: “Purina is committed to creating top quality nutrition for the nation’s pets – but it’s certainly not all we do.

"We work tirelessly to do more of what matters beyond the bowl, for pets, for the people who love them and the planet. None of this would be possible without the fantastic work of the project team and everyone who’s based here in Wisbech.

"We’re delighted to have secured this large-scale investment, to ensure our site is best-in-class and fit for the bright future that it has ahead of it.

“We’re very proud of our base in the town, and with this investment, we look forward to many more decades of making great products that the nation’s pets love, all while being an outstanding employer, supporting a thriving local community and minimising our impact on the environment.”

John Bartholomew, a Purina Employee at the Wisbech Factory with 24 years’ service added: "I absolutely love being a part of the Purina team. Each day brings a new and exciting opportunity to learn.

"Since joining the factory it’s incredible to see how much our processes and products have evolved – it’s been amazing to witness the progress we've made. Purina has been a fantastic place to work, and I'm grateful for the journey."