Visitors to Wisbech Museum can meet a living, smoke-breathing dragon during the Beasts summer holidays exhibition.

The dragon, named Inferno, will be an added attraction on Wednesday, August 14.

The exhibition, targeted towards children and those with a youthful spirit, will be open from Wednesday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm, until August 31.

Visitors can enter for free on the 14th for a Family Open Day.

Inferno will be entertaining the crowds in Museum Square by breathing smoke every hour from 11am to 3pm.

Beasts from all parts of Museum collection will be on show Beasts from all parts of Museum collection will be on show (Image: Submitted)

Museum education officer, Louise Haselgrove said: “News that Inferno is coming has spread like wildfire on Facebook so we're expecting big crowds for the Open Day, here to enjoy an exciting exhibition as well as catch a glimpse of a real live dragon.

“We want visitors of all ages to explore how we as humans feel and have felt about wild animals through the ages, why such powerful myths grew up about beasts like dragons, griffons, unicorns and phoenixes and how real lions and elephants have gripped our imagination.”

Exhibits originate from different eras of the museum's collection.