The legacy of a hard-working Fenland councillor has been honoured with a memorial bench. 

Mac Cotterill, who created the Golden Age initiative and died aged 81 in 2013, will live on thanks to the efforts of Fenland Councillor Dal Roy.

Over the last few months he was able to secure a bench that had been refurbished by Shredders and Fixers.

Once in Elm, Cllr Roy together with local resident Martin Claxton, ensured the grass was cut, the bases dug and the area near the village cemetery secured ready for positioning.

On Monday July 22 he was able to hand over the bench to Elm Parish Council in memory of the tireless work Mac did whilst he was a councillor.

Madge Cotterill was on hand to test the bench and she said it was a wonderful thought.

Local residents all gave the thumbs up with some commenting “It’s great to have a sit down when we get off the bus on our way home.“

The bench handover was attended by Parish Councillor Richard Welbourne, Robin Milham, local resident Martin Claxton, and Suzanne England (Elm Parish Clerk).

Councillor Roy said: “Time is our greatest asset, when anyone gives up their time, they are giving a part of themselves that they will never get back.

“Mac certainly did that, and I wanted to give something to the people of Elm to remember his tireless work.”

The next Golden Age events take place in September. 

Visit the Fenland District Council website for more information.