Affordability for parents and uniform expectations are among the reasons why a school in Wisbech has banned female pupils from wearing skirts. 

Richard Scott, executive principal of Thomas Clarkson Academy, has issued a statement after the school - and Neale Wade Academy in March - issued the ban.

He said: “Over the last few years we have been reviewing our uniform expectations to make it easier for students to consistently get it right, at the same time as making sure our uniform remains affordable for our parents.

"This is why we have already changed our shoe guidelines last year, allowing smart black trainers to be worn so that only one pair of shoes needed to be bought, which has been well received. 

READ MORE: Skirts ban for girls at schools in March and Wisbech

“Skirts continued to be an item where there are significant variations of styles available through high street retailers, many of which did not meet our uniform expectations. 

"Through listening to our parents, we know that many found it increasingly difficult to buy this item confidently knowing that it would meet our uniform expectations. 

"Therefore, to remove this uncertainty and instead of introducing a single skirt through a uniform supplier which would have been more expensive, we have taken the decision to ask all students to wear plain black trousers instead.

"We hope this will help make things clearer, simpler and be most affordable for our school community, and know that parents have been reassured and supportive of this decision.

"We also continue to encourage any families to talk to us if they need help or support with their uniforms."