Wisbech's streets are set to transform into a mobile art studio next month, courtesy of the National Gallery's 200th-year celebration.

In partnership with MarketPlace, a local arts organisation, the 'Art Road Trip' will roll out a two-week creative programme in Wisbech and Mildenhall, commencing in July.

From July 2 until 6, the travelling studio will make stops at Peckover House, the Oasis Community Centre and the Market Square.

Community members are invited to join free workshops and hands-on activities, all held under the theme 'Re:Imagine'. The events will be facilitated by Chioma Ince and Alex Bowie, professional artists respected in their field.

The road trip heads is Wisbech in July The road trip heads is Wisbech in July (Image: Submitted)

Additionally, MarketPlace has announced its collaboration with National Trust Peckover House, a known Georgian townhouse in Wisbech.

In preparation for the Art Road Trip's arrival, the house will be organising pre-project workshops centred around nature and craft activities.

The workshops will involve the Damsons group, an initiative based at Peckover House that supports individuals with dementia and their families.

MarketPlace programme director Rob Drummer expressed his excitement about the project.

He said: "Art Road Trip kicks off a really exciting and creative summer programme for MarketPlace and we're delighted to have partnered with the National Gallery,"

"Celebrating 200 years of the gallery by spending two weeks in our communities across Wisbech and Mildenhall gets to the core of why MarketPlace exists.

"Creativity connects communities in surprising ways and by being out and about with such a diverse range of free, surprising and really engaging workshops we hope that residents in both towns will get to try something new".

Nicola Power, project manager at National Trust, said: This is something special for Wisbech and we are pleased to be able to collaborate with MarketPlace and the National Gallery, supporting art and creativity in the local area with such an exciting project.”

Alex, one of the artist facilitators working with the National Gallery on the programme, encouraged everyone to get involved.

He said: "Everyone will be able to explore paintings from the National Gallery Collection in new ways, discover how paint is made, experiment with different printmaking techniques and even help create a huge participatory artwork in the market square.

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"No creative experience necessary, just come along and get involved, you may be surprised by what you discover."

From July 9 through 13, the Art Road Trip will journey to Mildenhall in West Suffolk, in partnership with the local Mildenhall Museum.

Some of the artworks created in both towns will be exhibited later in the year along with an accompanying tour.

For more about Art Road Trip, people are instructed to visit the project's website.