A recently validated planning application could see an old bank in Wisbech turn into more than 20 new flats.

The old Barclays Bank at 12 Old Market in Wisbech has been out of use since September 2022. Now, a company called Silverwood Property Holdings want to convert the Grade II Listed Building into 24 flats.

The planning application form indicates that of the 24 flats, nine of them would be one bedroom, while 15 of them would be one bedroom bedsit studios.

The creation of the flats would also come with 24 new parking spaces at the premises. 

Recommended Reading: Elme Hall Hotel near Wisbech could be converted into flats

One neighbour consultation comment is in support of the application, saying that if the bank is to become a block of flats it will, "bring numerous benefits to the community" and, "breathe new life" into the building.

The comment said that the plans would lead to the following: "Revitalisation of a vacant property, address the housing needs in Wisbech, lead to economic benefits, create sustainable urban living, preserve the heritage of the building and enhance the community."

The determination deadline for the planning application is Friday, September 20, 2024.