The Ferry Project Cookery School held a cake sale at the Queen Mary Centre in Wisbech in May and says it was a huge success.

The idea and drive for the cake sale came from Simon, a former resident of the Ferry Project, who wanted to “give something back" so that others could benefit from the help he had received. 

The event was well attended and included a visit from the new mayor of Wisbech, Cllr Sidney Imafidon.

Many cakes were baked by the Ferry Project Cookery School, which includes many of the clients living there.

Some of the most popular were Victoria sponge with homemade jam, coffee cake and orange and marzipan (whose recipe is to be included in a forthcoming recipe book by the school’s head chef, Alison Crouch, later in the year).

Wisbech Standard: The Ferry Project cake sale was a huge success.The Ferry Project cake sale was a huge success. (Image: Ferry Project)

The cake sale raised £130 for the benefit of the homeless people the Ferry Project supports and will go towards an activity for the benefit of the clients such as a trip to Hunstanton beach.

The Ferry Project is a homelessness charity based in Wisbech that is dedicated to supporting single adults, moving them from homelessness towards independent living.

The charity is celebrating its 25th Anniversary, and since it began it has supported more than 3,500 people out of homelessness.

There are many other events planned during this anniversary year. There is currently a sponsored walk taking place where people have taken up the challenge to walk 10,000 steps a day during June, where each step they take represents one of the 300,000 homeless people living in the UK right now.

To make a donation to support this endeavour, please visit the Just Giving website and search for ‘Ferry Project’.

Money raised will go into the Ferry Project ‘Hardship Fund’ that goes directly towards supporting homeless people, enabling them to have funds for things such as new clothing, toiletries, bus fares to get them to job interviews, dental work and much more – all of which help a homeless person get a fresh start in life.

Coming up on July 20, the Ferry Project Cookery School is hosting a ‘Big Bacon Buttie Brekkie’ based at the Queen Mary Centre, from 8am-10am.

Tickets cost £5 which includes a bacon buttie and a hot drink. Tickets can be bought in advance from Eventbrite. All are welcome.