We need more women in the boardroom! (or whatever the pinnacle of their career is) says our columnist Babita Paul.

I am pleased to share my findings from attending the Institute of Government and Public Policy (IGPP) Advancing Menopause in the Workplace which I attended last month. 

What was interesting, is how it echoed the conversations I’ve been having in our communities. Just recently I heard of three women who felt they were ‘forced out’ of their long-standing roles at work.

Why? What were the common reasons? Commonly cited was, perceived underperformance, feelings of ageism, not engaging well with others, slow and forgetful…

It's shocking for me to hear these stories and the latest statistics shared at the conference, some of which I will share here:

· 81% of women feel some form of exclusion at work but a huge 92% of men don’t believe that they are excluding women.

· 50% of women are not taking promotions and 25% are leaving all together.

Wisbech Standard: Babita says she was 'shocked' by the findings.Babita says she was 'shocked' by the findings. (Image: Babita Paul)

· It costs approximately £30,000 to replace and experienced person.

Women are missing out on reaching the pinnacle of their chosen career as menopause often coincides with peak career years and women face significant additional challenges in reaching top positions due to symptoms and societal biases.

I know that with the proper support, women can excel in their careers instead of being forced to leave due to sudden overwhelm and lack of confidence (one in 10).

The (peri)menopause demographic is the fastest growing demographic in the workplace, affecting 52% and 100% of individuals born with a womb and ovaries will be impacted at some stage in their working life yet.

The IGPP categorically identified essential education & support is crucial to foster an inclusive and equitable work environment. Is Menopause Awareness Training part of your DEI agenda at work? if not, perhaps we should talk.

I help businesses explore solutions tailor made to fit your industry or sector.

These training sessions give everyone the tools to be able to understand and support partners, colleagues, and family members, who may be suffering with menopause-related challenges right now.

You can contact me here: info@ncmenopause.com