MP Steve Barclay hopes the next Conservative Party leader and prime minister Liz Truss will help fellow MPs “unite to meet the challenges the country faces”.

Mr Barclay, MP for North East Cambridgeshire, had backed Ms Truss’ leadership contest rival Rishi Sunak but welcomed the result after she won on September 5.

In a tweet, Mr Barclay said: “Congratulations to Liz Truss on being elected leader of our Party and our next Prime Minister.

“Important all Conservatives now unite to meet the challenges the country faces.”

South East Cambridgeshire MP Lucy Frazer also backed Mr Sunak in the Conservative leadership race.

She tweeted: "Huge congratulations to Liz Truss on being elected as our next Prime Minister.

"It is vital that we unite and support her as the government tackles the significant challenges that are facing our country."

Ms Truss, MP for South West Norfolk, defeated Mr Sunak with 81,326 votes to 60,399, winning 57.4 per cent of the vote.

Wisbech Standard: MP Liz Truss beat Rishi Sunak to become the next prime minister and leader of the Conservative Party.MP Liz Truss beat Rishi Sunak to become the next prime minister and leader of the Conservative Party. (Image: PA Wire/PA Images)

It is predicted that Mr Barclay, who replaced Sajid Javid as Health Secretary in July in Boris Johnson’s government, will not feature in Ms Truss’ cabinet.