THIRTY five wind turbines built in recent years in Fenland have sufficient capacity to provide enough electricity for 40,000 homes.

THIRTY five wind turbines built in recent years in Fenland have sufficient capacity to provide enough electricity for 40,000 homes.

A new study by Fenland District Council shows that will increase in coming years when a further eight wind turbines, already approved, come on line.

Nigel Brown, development delivery manager, told overview and scrutiny policy panel members the figures “establish the contribution being made comparative to the energy needs of the district”.

The 35 turbines already established are at:

1 x Longhill March (annual capacity 1,118 homes)

8 x Glassmoor, Whittlesey (annual capacity 8,946 homes)

5 x Ransonmoor, Doddington (annual capacity 5,592 homes)

9 x Stag’s Holt, Elm (annual capacity 10,065 homes)

8 x Coldham, Elm (annual capacity 7,828 homes)

3 x McCain’s, Whittlesey (annual capacity 5,032 homes)

1 x Abbey Produce, Whittlesey (annual capacity 1,006 homes)

In addition one further turbine has been approved, on appeal, for Longhill and seven more have been approved for Coldham.

Mr Brown adds a qualification to the figures, noting that over the course of a year, the wind farms would be expected to provide enough electricity to serve this many households.

The calculation used is based on a capacity factor of 30 per cent and an average household consumption of 4,700 kWh/year.

“The accuracy of this number will vary according to the actual capacity factor of the wind farm and the electricity usage in the locality,” says Mr Brown.

“For example, if most of the houses have gas fired central heating then the homes equivalent will be higher. Equally, electric heating would result in a lower homes equivalent.”